Bronze Beauty

One question I get often is about my bronzer!  Creating a beautiful bronze look is as easy as applying lip gloss!  During the summer months, this is my “go-to” look.  It is natural for day-time and sexy enough for the evening.  Mixing the Charlotte Tilbury Wonder Glow with my foundation creates the perfect, glowing canvas.  It's even perfect by itself for a more natural daytime face!  Here are my must haves to get this summer bronze look!

ONE //// TWO /// THREE /// FOUR /// FIVE

ONE //// TWO /// THREE /// FOUR /// FIVE

Elvira Graham is a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blogger. Fashion, traveling, spending time with family, and supporting her favorite local charities are a few of her passions. She's known for bringing style and trends to her community, and enjoys sharing her trends for fashion and beauty tips with the blogging community. Contact Elvira or follow along on Facebook here