My New Smile

Today I'm talking about my fake teeth - Gasp! OMG! No way! Is she really talking about this? Yup, I am!

When I started this blog I made a promise to myself that I was going to be an open book about all things fashion and beauty! (Including my fake teeth!)

Let’s start with what veneers are...a veneer is a thin layer of porcelain that is used to cover the front surface of a tooth and is a permanent way to change or enhance the look of crooked, stained, or broken teeth.

Before my Veneers!

Before my Veneers!

You are now probably looking at my before picture, wondering why I chose to have this done. This past June I made the decision to get veneers for a few reasons. Yes my teeth for the most part look fine, but for a couple of years I’ve been experiencing a lot of sensitivity with a few teeth. I would get those zingers while just brushing my teeth and they were painful to whiten! And being an avid morning coffee drinker I was definitely seeing the unsightly stains. Finally I was wearing down my canine teeth from grinding my teeth at night. So due to these 3 factors: stains, sensitivity, worn teeth, I decided to look into veneers.

Luckily one of my besties happens to be married to a cosmetic dentist, Dr. Scott Young. I have seen the work he has done on several other patients and was very impressed on how natural their veneers look. Seriously he is the best! So took the first step and made a consult appointment. At the consultation Dr. Young discussed what bothered me the most about my teeth and what I wanted to accomplish with veneers. Then he showed me some different variations of white and I chose the shade. At my next appointment impressions of my teeth were made and sent to the dental lab. We then scheduled the first procedure in which he reshaped my teeth and replaced with temporaries. This took about four hours, but felt like a 30 min nap with sedation!

I was nervous about was the temporaries and whether or not they were noticeably fake. But as you can see they looked great! These will stay in place for about 1-2 weeks while the lab creates the veneers.

The final appointment is for veneer placement. This was another four hour process under sedation, but again felt like a 30 min nap!

I could not be happier with the results! Please feel free to comment below with any questions you may have!

Dr. Scott Young
Woodlands Premier Dentistry
 6769 Lake Woodlands Dr. Suite G
The Woodlands, TX 77382

Elvira Graham is a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blogger. Fashion, traveling, spending time with family, and supporting her favorite local charities are a few of her passions. She's known for bringing style and trends to her community, and enjoys sharing her trends for fashion and beauty tips with the blogging community. Contact Elvira or follow along on Facebook here